This unique study club offers a collaborative environment to small groups or large practices with annual revenue of > $2M. The purpose of the study club is to allow practice leaders to exchanging ideas within a guided setting.

Topics to Include:

·      Leadership Challenges

·      Growth Strategies

·      Corporate Structure Strategies

·      Problem Solving unique to large groups

·      Administrative best practices

·      Compliance

·      Talent Acquisition

·      Structuring Ideas for Future Exit

The first study club meeting will be on Friday, September 8 from 8 AM to noon. The cost to attend the first of five meetings is $100 per person with proceeds going to the venue.

2023 COllaborative Exit

CollaborX - a collaborative exit of aligned dental practices for a roll-up in 2023 with a work commitment through 2026. This is limited to practices fitting a predetermined profile and will stop accepting partners when the cumulative total reaches $50M or on December 31, 2022, whichever comes first. The CollaborX strategy will allow these partners to go directly to the investor without rolling into a large DSO first thus increasing the exit dollars by up to threefold.